It's been a few weeks since I posted a Saturday decluttering post. I haven't neglected to work on new parts of my home, but I did neglect to report my doings. I took some pictures, but didn't feel like going through them, finding the best ones, editing them, and posting. I was overwhelmed by the thought of it.
This blog carnival was started by Ali of
An Ordinary Mom.

I am, by nature, a procrastinator. I seem to ponder the way things should be or about the process of doing something more than I actually jump in and get to work. I have been more excited lately about getting to new projects in my sewing room. My stash has grown considerably and now I am finding myself not being able to choose between so many precious fabrics. My mother said to me the other day, "Just pick something and sew it!" I did and was proud of the result. I don't think I actually chose the wrong fabric to make that outfit with either. (That fear sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? LOL!)
So now, I am just picking some pictures and showing them to you. Picking the less than perfect pictures seem like a better option than picking
no pictures at this point.
Here's what I have accomplished in the kitchen.

Clean and non-cluttered counter tops and microwave.

Organized my shelves.

Combed through all the corners in the dining room. It now looks bare. I need to hang some pictures. We have lived here going on four years in March, and I never put any up yet. Looks like I need to before someone else asks me if they can have my pictures - yes, my sister asked me for one of them. It's really been that long since any of our frames have been gazed upon.
Lastly, I have cleaned this table off more times than I care to admit in the process also.