I have created this new blog button in her honor.
If you are new to "Our Special Needs Life" you can get more information on the left sidebar titled "About Megan."

Having a family member with special needs and the issues associated with them affect every person in the family. This blog gives a view from each perspective and a window into how we cope as a family in the midst of all the situations presented to us.
Lori you are loved and prayed for more than you know. It is an honor to know your WHOLE family.
i remember counting the days. it will turn into counting weeks eventually. and then months. and then you will have to start to think backwards to get the accurate count. nothing ever fills that void, but it gets easier to do things and fill your time as more time passes. you are so blessed to have had her in your life!!!!!
I'm so sorry I'm feeling so poorly today, Bug. I hope you are celebrating Meggie's life today. She wants you to. Today would have also been Mom and Daddy's 50th anniversary...had they lived to see the day.
Praying hope, joy and peace for you friend. I love the new button and can't wait to post it on my blog.
I miss Megan, too.
Love you.
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