you see this in a public restroom.
And you leave with the same feeling as when there's free mints at your favorite restaurant's checkout counter.

I have neglected this blog for a couple of days because I was writing a tutorial for making doll clothes on my other blog. I just published it here. It took a little longer than I thought it would. If anyone sews, you should let me know if you followed the instructions well. I am also having a giveaway on my other blog for a gift certificate to my doll clothes store.
In other news, Monica is doing very well at school now that she is in 3rd grade.
And, Megan is holding her own as far as staying out of the hospital goes. She has now made a new record of more than a month since her last hospitalization. Previous to this, the most she had stayed out of the hosiptal since April 2009 was three weeks. She is by no means ready to go back to school. However, we are hoping that the longer she can stay out of the hospital, she will gain enough strength to go out in public again with the family. She was able to attend church on Sunday and we were so thankful to be able to go somewhere as a family again. Hopefully, this is something we will be able to continue.
Having a family member with special needs and the issues associated with them affect every person in the family. This blog gives a view from each perspective and a window into how we cope as a family in the midst of all the situations presented to us.