Thursday, October 1, 2009

Megan is Home!

On November 8, 2004, I had a dream. I remember it because it was very powerful. I felt changed the next day. Although, the next day was very solemn. I wrote the events of the dream down in a notebook and placed a date at the top of the page so as to build an altar to recognize that it had, in fact, happened. It was real. (And, I found the notebook just before we came to the hospita at the bottom of a box of books in my closet because someone overflowed the tub in our bathroom and I had to "rescue" the books. That's not the important part though.)

I was standing and holding my Megan. Her arms were wrapped tightly around my neck and her legs wrapped tightly around my waist. This is my favorite type of hug, so very close. (Megan has not been able to hug me like that for a long time now. It's too hard.)
After a while, she pulls her head from my shoulder, looks into my face and says, "He's here."
I put her down facing Him and she walks up and takes His hand to walk away. Then, suddenly she stops, runs back and jumps into my arms, kisses me, hops down, and runs back to Him. They walk into out of the room together, hand in hand.
Then I looked down and saw my daughter's body in her bed and begin to walk toward the door to the room and tell my whole family who is standing there. "She's gone now. Let's go." Then we all walk out of the room together, hand in hand.
At that very moment I felt a sense of accomplishment and duty to carry on. I was not crying or deep in sorrow. I was very matter of fact in my movements and statements because I know that she is not gone forever.

From the moment I woke up, I felt changed. Could you really have a dream like that and write the words to this song underneath it?

I have the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart.
I have the Peace that passes understanding... down in my heart.
I have the Love of Jesus... down in my heart.
Down in my heart to stay!

Although it did not happen exactly as I dreamed, He came for our Megan tonight at 10:14pm.

My beautiful, wondrous, tiny little baby is whole now. She isn't in pain.

And, she's singing with my Granny again.


  1. Ken and Lori,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with this evening as you are rejoicing in Megans homecoming. Our prayers continue during this time of healing for your family. Much love
    Brian & Jen

  2. Ken, Lori and Monica -
    Even though we don't know Brian and Jen who commented before us, we echo their message. We have prayed for you from the west coast, but have held you in our hearts. Know that all of your family out in Washington loves you very much.
    Vaughn, Gretchen, Faith & Griffin

  3. That is absolutely profound. Thank you for sharing. Praying for you.

  4. Ken & Lori

    I worked with Janet at the ASC and have heard soo many things about Megan and Monica. Janet loves you all so much. Between talking to Janet and following your BLOG I almost feel as if I know you guys very well. Megan was an angel sent from God to make you the family that you are. She is now home and looking down at all of you smiling and telling Granny just how wonderful and full her life was because she had such wonderful parents that took such great care of her and loved her soo much. I truely beleive that God gave you the gift that was Monica, but He also gave her the gift that was you.


  5. Ken, Lori, Monica, and all of your family,

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I am thankful that you have shared this journey with us. You are an amazing family and God has used you to touch Megan's life as well as the lives of everyone around you. I pray God's peace and comfort to you at this time.

    Kim Selis

  6. Burrow Family
    I am somewhat speechless, I am amazed at your strangth Lori and happy for you all that you were able to have a party for her yesterday. She is home now and feeling so much better. Still praying for all of you as you continue on..........

  7. Thank you for letting us join in your daily sorrows and joys. You are such an encouragement and example to my family. We are constantly praying for you all.

    The Smarrellas

  8. Burrow family,, you are an amazing family thoughts and prayers go out to each one of you... know that she is now with our Lord and at peace.. with much love and prayers

  9. We, too, will look forward to seeing Megan one day.

    Love and prayers,
    The Holt Family

  10. amazing lori,,, your words are powerful and strong and to share all that you have with all of us thank you yes Megan is with Jesus now no more pain, lots of laughter,, and we will all get to see her again our prayers and thoughts are with all of you at this time...

  11. You are a strong woman Lori and a wonderful mom! I am rejoicing at Megan's new body and am also very sad for the loss in your family. I am still praying for you during this time of transition. Love, Andrea Gregory

  12. I am in awe of your strength. Megan and you all are such an inspiration and gift. May the lord wrap his loving arms around you all now and always. My thoughts and prayer remain with you and your family.


  13. Burrow Family, our thoughts and prayers are with you during this tough time. We rejoice with you in Megan's homecoming with our Lord and Savior and we continue to pray for your family during your time of healing.

    The Young & Pavasco Family

  14. My prayers go out to you & your family. God is great & Megan is whole again.

    Love from NJ

  15. We've been following your blogs regularly. Thank you so much for sharing so openly with us your special needs life. We share your sorrow while rejoicing for Megan's freedom with our Lord. We will continue to pray for you and your family as you heal and transition to the next chapter of your lives. We love you!
    Kevin, Wonda, Trina, Ty, Tiffany, Tessa

  16. We love you so much! We are here and waiting for your homecoming and rejoicing in Megan's with Jesus. Kisses can't wait to see his family. See you soon!
    Dee Dee and Lisa

  17. Dear Lisa, Ken and Monica, I've followed this with tears in my eyes and pray that the coming days will bring you peace and joy. I know Megan has left behind a hole you will never fill but she is safe and whole now and you will see her again one day. Until then I pray that you build a life of love and memories to share with her.

  18. I am a better person just for knowing was a priviledge to be her nurse. Lori, your dream left me speechless. It never ceases to amaze me how Jesus knows just what we need, when we need it. Maybe He knew you would need all these years since that dream to get prepared.


  19. The image of Megan *running* back to Jesus is so sweet in my mind! Thank you for sharing that. Our love & prayers are with you. Jarod & Megan send hugs for Monica!
    The Wyly's

  20. Oh, Lori....We've are away, and I just had a chance to sit down and catch up. I am so sorry.

    The dream is beautiful, and I'm so glad that you had that special gift to some how be a help to you through the pain.

    I pray that you feel the Father's arms holding you especially close to His heart today.


  21. Lori, Ken and Monica,
    I am having a hard time finding the words. I am sorry that you as parents have to feel the pain of loosing a child and Monica the loss of a sibling at such a young age. I can not even imagine. The strength and faith that you have shown completely amazes me and is an inspiration! I know you have some emotionally hard days ahead and I pray for peace comfort and grace for each and every one of you. Just think the next time you hold Megan she will be completely healthy and perfect in every way. God is good, but you already know that. Much love, prayers and thoughts.

  22. Although I don't know you, my daughter was one of Megan's nurses. She spoke of her and was so impressed with your family. Unfortunately not all of her patients have the family love and support Megan had. Thank you for sharing her story and I'm so sorry for your loss.

  23. There are no words to make it better, but Jesus has made it better for Megan. I just found out about Megans homegoing this morning. Our prayers for continued peace - peace that only God can give - are with you. Thanks for sharing your family with all of us.

  24. I just stumbled across Megan's story while looking for information on IV balls. What a beautiful celebration of Megan and her life and an inspirational way to send her home. My prayers for the whole family and a thank you for sharing.

  25. This is an amazing story.  We are going through similar things with our child and I stumbled across this while searching GJ tubes.  We seem to have the same spiritual beliefs and I rejoice with you that Megan is dancing in Heaven

  26. I was just googling for some info on GJ tubes because a friend of a friend's daughter is having one placed today and I came across your site. I am now sitting on my front steps in syracuse, NY on a gorgeous September day crying my eyes out while my 1 and 2 year old boys nap upstairs. Lori, I can't even imagine. Since becoming a mother I often marvel at the strength of women that I never knew about until I joined these proud ranks, but then there are mothers like you who are so very strong that it shakes me to the core. I remember when my dad passed away from cancer in my childhood home and I remember standing there feeling as if the world had gone blank or maybe just that I had lost my place in it for a moment. But to have to say goodbye to a child... Without ever having met you I will just close my saying that I admire you so very much. I know that your megan is with her momma always. Thank you for sharing a bit of her beautiful life. With gratitude and my deepest respect, Liz.


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