Thursday, October 1, 2009

Megan's 10th Birthday Party

Here are pictures of Megan's birthday party complete with friends, gifts, cake, balloons, and laughter. The nurse manager announced to the entire unit that it was Megan's birthday party and all staff were welcome to come and enjoy a piece of cake with us.

She had a wonderful bouquet of balloons.

These friends hanging out with Megan, Memaw, and Monica include the child life specialists, Dr. K., and an intern. They also called Megan's outpatient specialists to come have a piece of cake to celebrate Megan with us. A couple of them came in as they had time.

Monica has always been Megan's gift-opening proxy and today was no exception.

Megan received a Tinker Bell poster for her room...

matching bracelets with Me and Monica that have an October charm on them...

matching necklaces with Monica...

and all of this.

Our favorite nurses finally let us take their picture.

And, I even felt like eating some cake.


  1. wonderful pictures a wonderful day to treasure forever... your girls are amazing and beautiful praying for you all

  2. Happy Birthday Megan!!! I love to see these special moments that God continues to give. I pray that you'll have more. Still praying.

    Much Love,

  3. wonderful pictures and the presents are soooo sweet.

  4. thank you for letting us join the party via your blog. Thank you.

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