Saturday, October 3, 2009

Heavenly Gifts

Last weekend we were trying to take pictures of Megan and the ring we gave her for Christmas. It is a gold ring that says princess on it and has a crown. She is one of our princesses - so sweet and dainty. I am going to get a replica of Megan's ring and wear it forever.

We didn't know where our camera was at the time so I used my cell phone to capture a picture of Megan wearing her ring. Although I did not get a good picture of the ring, I just couldn't delete the pictures. I didn't want to delete anything that was of Megan.

When I woke on Friday morning - the first time without my Megan - I went to my cell phone to check all the wonderful support everyone has been sending our way (I get e-mails about comments). After that, I decided to thumb through the photos of Megan that I had taken with my phone.

The last "bad ring picture" I had taken was the first one I saw that morning. Only I saw something different. Turns out that a sneaky Jesus along with Megan's help had a gift waiting that I didn't see at the time because I was focused on the wrong thing.

We love you too, honey! Forever!


  1. precious so glad you kept this picture and that you were able to see beyoung the ring a priceless picture with a lot of meaning praying for you and the family..

  2. This pic is amazing! What a gift and treasure.:) Praying constantly for strength for you and the family and Praising God for Megan's COMPLETE healing.

    Much Love,

  3. I love that picture, it was a sneaky way of letting you know that she is ok now and she got to tell you what she could never verbalize. Your strength amazes me. We are still praying for your family. Hope dessert was good :)

  4. I hope you can print and frame that photo to have forever.

  5. I love it! I had been praying for something just like this for you. I didn't know what, but I asked God to send you a sign from Megan about her love for you before He brought her to Heaven. I wasn't sure what form that would take, but seeing this picture...that is exactly what I was praying for! It brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart! Love, Andrea G.

  6. I too often was looking for the wrong thing, photos are one of my most precious possessions now. Can you just see Megan and Marie running about up there:) In their princess dresses of course, chasing butterflies and eating the most wonderful things (this is all according to Marie's big sister Josie, age 5). My heart breaks for you, but rejoices that she is home... and the company up there is good, my baby too perfect and whole is with her, and they are so beautiful it must hurt your eyes to look at them... thinking of all of you and praying...

  7. I love Shan's comment and the picture of Megan and Marie running and Josie's images of the dresses and food. they are up there playing with baby Hope who went to Jesus 5 yrs ago. Playing/basking in the light of Jesus.


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