Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fri-Day of Firsts!

This is yesterday's post that didn't happen. (Sorry)

To start, "Fri-day" was Megan's first day home from the hospital. She slept in her spot on the couch most of the day - enough that I wondered if she would sleep at all last night. However, she did and was awake most of the day today.

Next, remember this post? Well, if you think about it (if you like math at all), you might figure that Fri-day was also the first day Monica could do this:

She wanted to wear these "dangling diamond earrings" (cough. cough.)

What she doesn't know can't hurt her at this point, right? We decided that these earrings could only be worn on special occasions (The first change is definitely a special occasion) and not to bed. So, just before bed, we changed to these, less dangly ones:

They were the reason she went through with the piercing anyway. That's right! These earrings are "Hannah" style. (And, not available as magnets or clip-ons.) All Hannah's accessories feature guitars - although Monica is wearing pink in this picture, the earrings also came in blue and yellow. WOW!

Now, if you'll excuse us, it's time to change to the blue ones.

I am sooo starting to love being the mother of a growing girly girl.

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