Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday it is! So Thankful!

I don't think I am going to jinx anything by announcing that the doctors are getting Megan's walking papers ready for tomorrow morning. She will be taking her full strength feeding schedule today and as long as everything goes well, we are "outta here." I am so thankful that:

1. Megan is laughing in her sleep as I type this update.

2. This hospital stay was relatively uneventful.

3. We were only here for a week.

4. We got to stay in our home town.

5. Megan has gotten through the whole week of being on IV fluids with the use of 2 peripheral IV's. And, both of them were placed on the first "poke." Now, that is a truly remarkable answer to prayer.

6. This Thankful Thursdays theme started by Lisa at Welcome to the Nut House. You can visit her blog and also view others who have linked their posts of thankfulness today.

Is there anything you are thankful for? Leave a comment - or - link with everyone else if you have a blog too.


  1. I love when children laugh in their sleep!

    I hope that Megan gets her walking papers tomorrow and you all get to go home :)


  2. Rats! I missed Thankful Thursday on my blog again. Maybe next week.

    SOOOOOOOOO glad you're coming home! And PTL for the IV's on the first try!


Thanks for stopping by.