Saturday, July 31, 2010

Stream of consciousness

I am going to try this blogging method today because I don't have a ready topic right now but want to say something to my lovely readers. I don't like it when I don't say anything for a week or longer.

I have been pretty busy. Running an online store, attending the flea market 2 days a week, keeping up with inventory for both, trying to design a new line of girl/doll clothes, and redesigning my website are HUGE time swallowers!

We did have a chance to take Monica to the fair on Thursday and had a lot of fun. She rode her first non-kid sized ferris wheel, had her hair sprayed pink like Pinky Dinky Doo, and won a gold fish at one of the games.

Me? I found a sewing store vendor at the exhibition booth and fell in love with the serger I have only heard about and think about in my dreams. It did not disappoint! Now, I am completely re-prioritizing my business cash flow to include this machine much sooner so that I can start designing new, more professionally looking KNITWEAR myself and not buying them from other vendors to re-sell. Yes, I know I am crazy about this. I also know knitwear is not known for being an easy medium for sewists. I can't wait to tackle it though, LOL!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dear Megan,

I miss you, girlie! Whenever I start to think about you, my heart smiles...then I think about what you must be doing right now. I can't wrap my mind around the place where you are, what that place looks like, how differently you look, what you are thinking about, and if you are thinking of Daddy, Monica, and I waiting to see you again.

When I hear someone speak of Heaven, I think of you. When I hear songs about praising Jesus, I wonder what it feels like to you to actually be there. I can't fathom the emotions that you must feel surrounded by everyone there. It makes my heart smile, and glad that Jesus made a way for us to know and see one another again when I get there too.

Then, I start to think about how long it may be before that takes place and I feel my eyes getting moist and start to wipe the tears. I am not sorry that you don't have to live in a body that doesn't work anymore. I don't know how you did it with such a pleasant attitude - I don't think I could have lived in your body and still smiled most days.

I just want you to know that I miss you and can't wait to see you again. You are in my thoughts every. single. day.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Praying for Peace and Health

I have a close friend who is expecting her third baby in early August. Her baby is very active and appears healthy. However, she is worried about the baby's position while preparing for the labor process.

She has prayed for me unceasingly and I would like to offer the same back to her as well as make everyone aware that she needs peace and continued health for both of them as the delivery approaches.

"Lord, touch my friend and her baby. Calm the nerves and bring your peace to her home so that her family may enjoy one another as they await their newest family member's arrival to their arms. Amen."

Monday, July 12, 2010


Our youth ministries pastor spoke yesterday's message at church. His message centered around this verse:

Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
"Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you."

Even in the midst of circumstances we don't understand, He has not left us. We can choose to let our feelings get the better of us. Or, we can run and jump into the arms of the One who can carry us.

What circumstances in your life make you want to run to Jesus arms and stay there?

Are they the ones for which you are waiting?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Are you waiting?

Going through a season of waiting is really hard. I remember waiting for an answer I just knew I was going to get from God. But, it seemed like He had forgotten that I was still there asking. It felt, at times, like He just left me hanging there.

When we got married in 1996, Ken and I had a plan for our careers, how to raise our children, and live our life together. However, we were handed a different plan. We weren't given all the pieces to the plan at once either. We weren't sure where exactly the plan would lead us or what the outcome was going to be.

When you are given a new plan with no real details, there's the temptation to start to "fix" situations yourself when you are waiting for the details to be revealed. I have thought to myself many times, "Maybe it is something I am supposed to be doing that will help." However, many times, the more I tried to "fix" things myself, I found myself in a deeper mess.

I remember praying so many times, "God, just help me find the lesson here so I can learn it and my problem(s) will go away!" Throughout my waiting process, I learned something about looking for answers.

Sometimes God is preparing someone else to be involved in our plan.
God knows we need help and sometimes He is lining up the important players to be involved in our life or situation. This takes time and we can't always see what is going on until the day the door opens. Then, more details of the plan are revealed in a way that is practical and makes sense.

Sometimes God is working in us to change our motives.
Have you ever thought about why you are asking for what you want? Are there any other people involved? Are you asking about something only for yourself? Are you asking for your pleasure or convenience? Are you giving God a deadline? Are you asking to be rescued from your situation? What is at the root of your request? James 4:3 says, "When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures."

Sometimes God is waiting on us to figure out that we want something totally different instead - something better.
Have you ever waited for something long enough to change your mind? You aren't even interested in that request any more. Or, you may find a way of fine tuning that request and found that you hadn't thought through the first request well enough. Is the request a real need?

Sometimes our problem is not totally about us!
You may be going through your circumstance so that others around you may benefit from the way you handle things. Is there anything you have finished where sharing the process might be helpful to others? Can you encourage them?

Sometimes God is asking us to trust Him.
When our request really is worthy, waiting enhances the gift of the request being answered! God wants to give us the desires of our hearts. Are we trusting Him to come through for us at His perfect time in our lives? Are we trusting Him to show us another way that is better than we originally planned?

Sometimes God just wants to see us persevere.
You know, a character building thing. Romans 5:3b-4 says, "because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."

What is the hope for? I am glad you asked!

James 1:12 says "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."

My Hope is in this promise. So, then, God, can my crown be made solely of diamonds? Unless, of course, You have something better than diamonds in Heaven!