Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dear Megan,

I miss you, girlie! Whenever I start to think about you, my heart smiles...then I think about what you must be doing right now. I can't wrap my mind around the place where you are, what that place looks like, how differently you look, what you are thinking about, and if you are thinking of Daddy, Monica, and I waiting to see you again.

When I hear someone speak of Heaven, I think of you. When I hear songs about praising Jesus, I wonder what it feels like to you to actually be there. I can't fathom the emotions that you must feel surrounded by everyone there. It makes my heart smile, and glad that Jesus made a way for us to know and see one another again when I get there too.

Then, I start to think about how long it may be before that takes place and I feel my eyes getting moist and start to wipe the tears. I am not sorry that you don't have to live in a body that doesn't work anymore. I don't know how you did it with such a pleasant attitude - I don't think I could have lived in your body and still smiled most days.

I just want you to know that I miss you and can't wait to see you again. You are in my thoughts every. single. day.



  1. L, that was beautiful. And its message is universal. Whether you had written about Megan or Grandpa or Grandma Brown, the message is the same..."I Can Only Imagine."

    I was thinking about you and Megan this morning while I was getting ready for work. While I know the ache in your heart hasn't gone away, and the ache of your arms at not having Megan here must still be present, time and again you blow me away with your grace and heavenly wisdom. I know you don't always share your darkest hours with your blog readers. Still, I thank you for your honesty in sharing what you are feeling having sent Megan home.

    Still praying lots for you and the family,
    Love, A

  2. oh Lori, goosebumps and tears all at the same time. Still think of you and megan often and always praying for all of you

  3. I am sure you miss your Megan so much!! Thankfully you have your faith to make you stronger.

  4. Beautiful Lori. Thanks for letting us peak into your mama heart.

  5. Love and prayers for you...this post was so beautiful. I am featuring you on this week's Walking With You.

  6. Lori, Thank you for sharing your family's story. I came here via Sufficient Grace Ministries' Walking with You, and though I've only scratched the surface of your story, I am humbled by your love and caring.

  7. Here from Sufficient Grace. What a sweet letter to your little girl. Brings tears to my eyes.

  8. Stopping by to visit from Walking with You, thank you for sharing your story with us! Having a loved one in Heaven makes it all the more sweeter to me, looking forward to that day when we are all reunited.

  9. I, too, am visiting from Walking With You. Thank you for sharing your sweet Megan with us. May God wrap His arms around you and whisper words of peace in your ear.

  10. Stopping by from Walking With You. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us, and the letter is so beautiful!

    (((Hugs))) and Blessings!

  11. Hi Lori, I'm here from Walking With You. :) I love the letter that you wrote to your sweet girl. I can't get over how much she looks like you! So beautiful.

  12. I'm also visiting from Walking With You. I think of heaven and have so many questions.. . and yes it seems so long and so far away and it just hurts!! I am glad you have such wonderful memories of your dear daughter!

  13. Visiting from Sufficient Grace. What a very touching letter to your sweet Megan. I love the girls' dresses in your family picture. You have a beautiful family.


Thanks for stopping by.