Thursday, December 31, 2009

Saying goodbye to 2009...

is something I am looking forward to doing tonight even though it pains me to think about starting a new year and a new life without my precious daughter.

We started this year with subtle changes that turned into drastic ones, so many hours in question and pain, so many days away from our family and friends, so many months with health concerns for multiple members of our family, the loss of Granny and then Megan and also Granny's doggie, Gus Gus, in November.

It is with great emphasis that I say, "Good riddance, 2009! I don't think my heart can stand any more of your time!"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


and cleaned and cleaned today! The three of us worked really hard in every room on the main floor of our home. We found some things we thought we had lost and remembered things that we haven't used for a while because the person who used them is no longer with us. We haven't thrown anything out or gotten rid of anything yet.

I didn't have the energy to do everything when we got home from the hospital, so I just threw all the stuff from the hospital in Megan's room and on her bed. Then, my business took ALL of my time from the day I opened the website back up until the Saturday before Christmas. Today, we waded through all the clothes, supplies, and other stuff from the hospital and funeral home.

We went through all of Monica's stuff from the hospital and her art area in the kitchen.

We are so close to having everything put back where it goes, except for the fact that it can never be the way it was.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My First Christmas In Heaven

My First Christmas In Heaven

I am having my first Christmas in Heaven
A glorious, wonderful day!
I am standing with saints of all ages,
Who found Christ, the truth and the way

I am singing with the heavenly choir
I- who so loved to sing!
And, oh what celestial music
We bring to our Savior and King

I am singing the glad song of redemption,
How Jesus to Bethlehem came,
And why they called His name Jesus,
That all may be saved through His Name!

Oh, loved one, I wish you could be here!
No Christmas on earth can compare,
With all of the rapture in glory,
I witness in Heaven so fair!

You know how I always loved Christmas,
It seemed such a wonderful day,
With all of my loved ones around me,
We were so happy in every way.

Yes, now I can see why I loved it,
And, oh what a joy it will be,
When all of my loved ones are with me,
To share all the glories I see!

So, dear ones on earth, I send greetings,
Look up! Til dawning appears,
And, oh what a Christmas awaits us,
Beyond all our partings and tears!

Thank you, Amy, for sending me this poem.

Our family has two members celebrating their First Christmas in Heaven this year. Merry Christmas to you, Granny and Megan! We miss you so much. We can't wait to see you again!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

The list for a "no alarm" day...

1. Feed my sister's doggies!

2. Ship order!

3. Mail cards - all of them! Today is the last day to get there by Christmas, you know!

4. Clean bathroom - no, I am still not done yet!

5. Get family ready for the day!

6. Stay ahead of my friend in Cafe World throughout the day - I'm currently behind.

7. Go pack boxes for the Feed The Children event tonight - what a privilege!

8. Publish this post after a few things are already done to make it look like I am ahead of schedule!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

2009 Christmas Card

This is the last formal picture of our family of four outside of the hospital setting. I wanted to use if for our Christmas card this year when it was taken, and I still love it!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I want to win...

...this giveaway on MckMama's blog. So, here I am blogging about the giveaway. It's for an extra entry. I have over 4,000 other entries to compete with. I probably won't win but it gives me something new to blog about today. Or, maybe you will enter the contest and win it yourself and you never would have known about it if you hadn't read my blog today. That would be great too!

The fabulous giveaway is to win Adobe's Photoshop Lightroom 2 picture editing software.

There's also a link to someone else's blog from MckMama who is giving away Adobe's Photoshop Elements 8. I already have elements, so if you enter that one you won't be any competition to me. Go ahead see if you can win that one too! Have a great day.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Light a Candle for Megan

Tomorrow night, remember Megan with us, and any other child you know of who has died by joining in the Worldwide Candle Lighting sponsored by The Compassionate Friends, a national self-help support organization for families grieving the death of a child. They have sponsored this Worldwide Candle Lighting during the holidays to honor the memory of all children -- no matter their age -- for the last 13 years.

Anyone, whether or not you have been personally touched by such a tragedy, is invited to remember all children who have died by joining in the Worldwide Candle Lighting on Dec. 13. Although officially held for one hour at 7 p.m. local time, this has become an event where hundreds of services in memory of children are held throughout the day around the world.

Everyone is encouraged to light candles in their home, whether alone or with friends and family. -- Patricia Loder, Executive Director, The Compassionate Friends

Visit their website for more information or to find a formal service in your area.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Fingerprint Friday

OK, so I am copying an idea I saw on another person's blog. I found this while going through my mail boxes (and by that I mean boxes of mail). I hadn't figured a way to post it yet. But, this is my gift this week.

I hope everyone has had fun. I may have more giveaways again someday.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Who wants a free lunch?

Updated Post:
Guess what? Favors With Love, YOU were comment number...

I sooo want to go to Pizza Hut with you. Tell me when you order and I'll order at the same time. Do you skype?

Original Post:
I know. I know. All of us do!

Although we live in America, I hear there is no such thing.

However, the closest we have is... treating someone to lunch.

Please tell me your favorite "giftcardable" lunch spot.

That's all I got today.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Who wants some jewelry?

Updated Post:
"I would go with the key chain...bradley travis on one, alexander jacob on another, gary lee, and alice ann." Well, Amy, you get your wish.

The widget at has chosen your comment as the jewelry winner. I ordered this item for you. It will be here soon!

Original Post:
My friend at Cap Creations has this wonderful personalized sterling silver jewelry.

These key chains come with up to four charms with the personalization space of 19 characters each.

Teacher Gifts.

Initial Necklaces.

And, her new "Name It" Necklaces.

These are my fave...

...probably because they have great meaning to me and my girl.

(My pics aren't as nice as hers though - sorry).

Anyway, the winner of this giveaway is going to receive either a "Personalized Key Chain" or "Name It Necklace." All you have to do is visit Cap Creations and decide what your favorite item is. Then, come back and tell me which item is your favorite and what message you would use to personalize your jewelry. The last rule is... you cannot order it for someone else. It has to be for YOU!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Who wants some chocolate?

Updated Post:
I was standing in front of the chocolate last night trying to pick between the small box and the large box. So, I decided on two small boxes!

That's right, Val - You get one!

And, Renee - You get the other one!

E-mail me your info ladies so I can get you your chocolate. Congratulations!

Everyone else, keep checking the blog for another wonderful prize up for grabs after 12pm today!

Original Post:
If you missed the coffee giveaway yesterday, here's another chance today for something sweet. Today's gift is a box of...

This treat with rich milk chocolate, roasted peanuts, and fluffy marshmallow is sure to please.

In order to win this prize just leave a comment saying whether you would hide this for yourself or share it with others.

Also, remember to identify yourself if you are commenting anonymously. If you entered yesterday you'd better check to see if you're a winner! I've updated the original post.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Who wants some coffee?

This giveaway is now closed. The winner is comment number......

.....2. Yes, Kristi, YOU get to enjoy your mocha frappaccino while watching a Christmas movie with your kids, wrapped up in a warm snuggie and sitting next to the Christmas tree. E-mail me your address and I'll get your coffee card to you right away!

Original Post:

I've had a few days like this lately.

But some of you might be having the cozy feeling.

Or maybe you'd like some quiet reading time.

Just leave a comment on this post telling me what type of coffee mood you are in or what you would order if I could buy you some coffee or any other beverage from this store. Make sure you leave your name in your comment if you are anonymously commenting.

Someone is going to get their wish very soon! Check back so that you can see if it is YOU! Then, you will have 24 hours to e-mail me with your contact information.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

'Tis the season...


As our way of saying "Thank You" to all of you who have faithfully read our thoughts and joined us on our journey through the toughest time in our lives, we have some gifts that we would like to share with you.

Keep coming back this week to join us for the fun! Everyone will have a chance to win a few fabulous prizes just in time for the Christmas holiday - when we received the greatest gift ever given to mankind - the birth of our Saviour.

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's Friday afternoon...

...and my pink continuous zipper chain is not here yet.

...and my new fabric order is not here yet.

...and my girl is at school.

...and my husband is at work.

...and it's below freezing outside (I hate winter!).

...and my dog wants to lay on the couch with me.

...and I am going to take a nap with him.

I just can't fight it today!