Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Who wants some chocolate?

Updated Post:
I was standing in front of the chocolate last night trying to pick between the small box and the large box. So, I decided on two small boxes!

That's right, Val - You get one!

And, Renee - You get the other one!

E-mail me your info ladies so I can get you your chocolate. Congratulations!

Everyone else, keep checking the blog for another wonderful prize up for grabs after 12pm today!

Original Post:
If you missed the coffee giveaway yesterday, here's another chance today for something sweet. Today's gift is a box of...

This treat with rich milk chocolate, roasted peanuts, and fluffy marshmallow is sure to please.

In order to win this prize just leave a comment saying whether you would hide this for yourself or share it with others.

Also, remember to identify yourself if you are commenting anonymously. If you entered yesterday you'd better check to see if you're a winner! I've updated the original post.


  1. I would hide the candies on the top shelf where little hands can't find them.

  2. So, I missed the chance for the coffee give-away . . . I can't miss out on a chance for chocolate!!! Hmmmmm . . . tough call . . . I'd probably share a bit with the boys and then put the rest in a hiding place for me! :)

  3. I would have to hide it but Cana would see it at some point and I would hear "treat, some me, want to"

  4. Chocolate Charlie is awfully difficult to stay out of...so...I'd have to get a quick bite...and then...share it VERY quickly to get it out of my hands!

  5. I would give each of the kids a piece, but not let them see the rest of the package, as if I only had those two pieces total. Then hide the rest to be eaten at my secret leisure!

  6. Hmmm....I would probably hide it until the 3 amazing women I'm doing a Bible study with came over and then we could indulge! ;) However, we would still have to do it on the sly so the kids wouldn't see!:)

  7. Ooooo....I would hide it to share with my hubby (if I'm not feeling too piggish at the moment). Definitely not sharing with already-too-hyper children! :)

  8. I would share it, it's one of my 6-yr. old's favorite, we share the love of sugar and indulge it whenever possible! :-)

  9. ohhhhh i love chocolate, and marshmallows !!! great idea lori :)
    amy schlemmer


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