Thursday, December 24, 2009

My First Christmas In Heaven

My First Christmas In Heaven

I am having my first Christmas in Heaven
A glorious, wonderful day!
I am standing with saints of all ages,
Who found Christ, the truth and the way

I am singing with the heavenly choir
I- who so loved to sing!
And, oh what celestial music
We bring to our Savior and King

I am singing the glad song of redemption,
How Jesus to Bethlehem came,
And why they called His name Jesus,
That all may be saved through His Name!

Oh, loved one, I wish you could be here!
No Christmas on earth can compare,
With all of the rapture in glory,
I witness in Heaven so fair!

You know how I always loved Christmas,
It seemed such a wonderful day,
With all of my loved ones around me,
We were so happy in every way.

Yes, now I can see why I loved it,
And, oh what a joy it will be,
When all of my loved ones are with me,
To share all the glories I see!

So, dear ones on earth, I send greetings,
Look up! Til dawning appears,
And, oh what a Christmas awaits us,
Beyond all our partings and tears!

Thank you, Amy, for sending me this poem.

Our family has two members celebrating their First Christmas in Heaven this year. Merry Christmas to you, Granny and Megan! We miss you so much. We can't wait to see you again!


  1. Not much to say past my tears...please know I've been praying for you often.

  2. i posted this poem on my facebook today....i love this poem and am glad you liked it....i know it is hard right now, things will get better. praying for you and your family have a great christmas

  3. Mary pondered and held memories close to her heart. I also am pondering this morning. The egg casserole is almost finished baking, the cinnamon rolls are raising and just about ready to go in the oven, the packages are wrapped and sorted, and it is now quiet in our house...and yes, I am pondering. This Christmas day will be different from any other...the first Christmas without parent to hug, to gift, to kiss. It is also the first Christmas I've had to visit my first-born granddaughter at her place away from us. I love you and miss you very, very much this morning, Mom and Meggie.

  4. What a great way to think of Meg's first Christmas away from Earth. It's a great comfort to know that, while we miss her and are sad, she is happy and healthy and in the best place imaginable.


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