Friday, September 11, 2009


Take a deep breath. Now exhale.

This simple act is something we take for granted each and every day.

For Megan, this has become so hard. Her entire body's energy is focused on supporting just this one activity. We are so very thankful for our daughter's every breath.

This Fragile Breath (Todd Agnew lyrics)
I searched the world for a song that I could sing
Praise to my King A gift that I could bring
But no music I found could compare to you
Not one could do Justice to your glory
What are my songs compared to yours

You speak with thunder and lightning
Your voice shakes the mountains
The foundations of the earth
All I can offer is this fragile breath
With each one I'll praise You
With each one I'll praise You more

I searched the world for a poem I could read
A rhyme that would bring Glory to my King
But no writing I found was worthy of
This God high above All other gods
What are my words compared to yours

You speak with thunder and lightning
Your voice shakes the mountains
The foundations of the earth
All I can offer is this fragile breath
With each one I'll praise You
With each one I'll praise You more

Speak to me, speak to me please
Won't You speak to me


  1. Blessings to you. May you sleep well and rest.

  2. Different songs have been making me think of Megan. One of them is on a kid's praise CD, "I'm trading my sickness, I'm trading my pain. I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord." I heard another this morning that helped shape my thinking about Megan's life into a more positive frame of mind. I'll talk more about it with you soon.


Thanks for stopping by.