Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me, Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not pack for Megan's hospitalization on Friday using the "going home" bags from the last hospital stay, 13 days ago.

I do not think that this is a well-balanced meal.

And, I have not also been drinking the pictured beverage more often this week. I quit drinking that beverage because it has so much sugar and everything. If you have too many in a day, it makes you fat. So, I switched to Diet Coke. All this stress has not made my behavior regress the slightest bit.

Remember these goodies?

They are sooo not coming in very handy this week - in the hospital here at home and all.

Monica and I have not had strawberry shortcake for breakfast more than once this week. (Ice cream is the same as having a glass of milk, right?) There is no evidence available for this one because, you know, it vanished.

Finally, when my friend called me earlier this week and I was going somewhere in the car, I did not call her and say, "It isn't safe to text and drive, so I decided to call you instead."

I have posted several Not Me! Mondays these last couple of months just for the fun of it. It cheers me up. Now, I am asking my readers - to cheer me up some more. Is there anything you did not do that you are willing to share with me?
Leave your message in my comments. You don't even have to identify yourself - I have anonymous comments enabled.

By the way, next week's Not Me! Monday is going to have a different focus. Stay tuned as we'll take a one-week break from Not Me! Monday and instead do a Not My Child! Monday. We'll bite the bullet and share the things that there is no way our children were caught doing!


  1. It cheers me up too! Great not me!'s. I especially like how you called instead of texting! So funny!

  2. not me monday has fitted right into my house today.. my 5 year old decided to try to make himself a cup of chocolate milk and then spilled half of it on the floor turned around and said someone spilled the milk when asked if he did it he said nope not me,,, then as i am cleaning this mess up he goes into his room to find a pair of shorts instead of grabbing ones off the top he decides to pull them all out to get to the bottom ones when asked again it was not me,,, and as i got on to read your blog i heard a huge crash coming from the bathroom and he comes running out and said i didnt drop the shampoo bottle on the floor... one of those days... i am praying for you and your family during these tough days and know that
    God is with you always...

  3. Thank you for sharing. Everyone has those types of days we would like to forget, don't we? Happy Monday!

  4. Thanks for the "not me", I did NOT:
    ..spend over 16 hours playing facebook games.....avoid doing all my housework....stay in my nightgown all day.....ignore my mail and the phone company and chew them out before I realized it was my fault my internet wasn't working......
    But what I TRULY and HONESTLY DID do was lift you all up in prayer again...God bless your family


Thanks for stopping by.