Monday, June 8, 2009

"Not Me!" Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I am glad it is Monday because the subject on my blog has gotten rather heavy and I need to lighten up a little. So, I'm laying on the couch ready to reveal what I did not do (in my dreams).

It did not go shopping today and spend money on hand sanitizer again (this time for my purse) even though I have one in every room of my house in addition to having a big refill too. I was also not so excited when I thought I was going to pay $8 for two small bottles and the lady said "These are only 2 for $5. Would you like to add more?" Nope, not me. (Although, I was good and still only got the two I already had.)

Then, it was definitely not me who went to the Disney store and found more things to buy than my daughter who begged me to go in the first place.

I also did not go to lunch two times today - once with my husband and another with my mother - and get the greatest dessert. What kind of pig would do that? Nope, not me.

I hope everyone has had a happy Monday. This daughter did - in the new swimsuit I did not buy her today! She was dancing in the rain!


  1. That's our girly girl! Love you all!

  2. Two lunches complete with dessert- you are awesome! My kinda girl!


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