Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Developments

Megan's G-J tube failed this morning when Ken went to give her medicine. Since she had a Dr.'s appointment alreaady, we figured we could just add that to our list of things to do today (She was scheduled yesterday because of issues resulting from her infections this week.). Because Megan has been having the spastic movements, she will need sedation to have the procedure to place a new GJ tube. This is because the "J" part of the feeding tube is threaded through her small intestines to bypass the stomach. The extraneous movements could cause the instrumentation needed to perforate her small bowel.

So, Megan is being admitted to the hospital for this procedure - it is also the safest place for them to protect her airway during sedation. They will also be consulting a pulmonologist regarding her secretions, her ability to cough enough to be suctioned, and keep her airway cleared to breathe properly. She may also have a sleep study. She is still being treated in South Bend right now. But we will be in close consultation with her Dr.'s in Indianapolis.

Please pray that things will go smoothly, Megan will be protected, and we will know what to do to help her as best we can.

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