Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Do you play games?

This giveaway is now closed!

I have a fun holiday weekend giveaway to start today! My Blog Spark and Hasbro have teamed up to provide a lucky reader with the game Scribblish!

It's kind of a cross between the historic "telephone game" and pictionary. The players are each given a phrase to draw. Then, they switch drawing papers and have to guess the phrase based on the drawing from the person who handed them the paper. Then, they switch again, and the next round has to give a new phrase to the drawing. At the end, players vote on which final drawing and phrase was the one they started with and which one turned out to be the funniest transition from the original phrase.

I hope this makes sense. I'll post game play pictures after the long weekend so you can get a better understanding of what the game is about. If you want to enter to win your own Scribblish! game, just tell me in the comments what your favorite game was growing up or what your favorite game is now!

The fine print: Hasbro provided me with a free game, information, and the prize pack to the winner through MyBlogSpark.


  1. Growing up my sisters and I used to play a lot of Yahtzee and the Barbie game. We have family game night at our house usually once a week. They love to play games. Their favorite right now is Ticket to Ride.
    Deb P

  2. Ahh I need this! My favorite game is the original cranium :)

    nomfreebies AT hotmail DOT com

  3. I really liked the card game skip-bo when I was growing up. It was one of the games we used to play with our grandparents.
    Dee Dee

  4. I think one of my favorite games now would have to be Scrabble. I actually beat my husband finally! I remember having a Hungry Hippo game that I really liked as a kid. All those marbles and 4 purple hippos! Fun times.


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