Saturday, April 17, 2010

Junk Out! 2010

The Junk Out 2010 blog carnival was started by An Ordinary Mom.

I started participating in January knowing it sounded kind of like a New Year's Resolution kind of activity (which I am not good at) but wanted to make my life better anyway. I knew it was an area of my life I needed to work on.

I had been so pre-occupied by other issues the last few years that I didn't even care about the clutter and chaos around me. I didn't even see it anymore. It wasn't what I was focused on or even had the energy to want to try.

I have more walls, cabinets, and drawers that have been written on than I care to count. (My girl called them murals, and I started to believe it.)

I have more household supplies than I know what to do with because every time I can't find something, I go buy it again.

I have found gum stuck to more surfaces than I realized (and I couldn't believe it when I found it and then wondered, "How long has that been there?").

I have a basement that has become a "catch all" for stuff I don't want to deal with because there is room for it there and I don't have to look at it in the main part of the house.

I have more "Glad Ware" containers down there than I can fit into my cupboards. I put them in a sack every time the cupboard got full. (On the bright side, I now have enough to start my 30 day freezer cooking supply!)

My garage was full of the larger stuff that I couldn't manage - until last week, that is! I can't even show you the picture of the swing set I had in there that someone just came up and asked for when we put it outside to organize. They even hauled it away themselves - YES!!!

I have looked up the FlyLady's website before and cleaned the sink - but didn't have the energy to keep moving afterwards.

I also haven't had the time/energy to try to teach my 8 year old to do things to help because it was just quicker for me to do it first than show her and then help her fix what she didn't do right.

This last problem is the one that bothers me the most. Now, I do have more time to try to help my daughter learn some things that will help her be a more responsible person. I have a couple of options that I am considering to aid me in achieving this task. I am going to post about them very soon!

We are out at the campground relaxing today!


  1. I can so relate to this post Lori! I only wish I had a basement...heh-heh, I have to *look* at all my stuff in the garage! I think maybe I should join the junk out!

    ♥ Melissa~
    Pink Paper Peppermints

    PS I said a prayer for God's soothing comfort and grace for you today.

  2. Looking forward to more tips!


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