Saturday, April 10, 2010

Junk Out 2010 - a day in which we SOLD!

I have been piling a few things up in my basement since I started this Junk Out 2010! weekly link party by An Ordinary Mom.

See the "Give, Sell, Toss!" definition in the graphic? That is exactly what we did today. I have been tossing as I come across something that is obviously trash in the main rooms of the house as I work. I have also been piling up a few things, like I mentioned, in my basement. And, my Mom has been sorting through many things in her house that used to belong to my Granny.

We decided to hold a garage/yard sale at the end of Spring Break to catch the beginning of the sale-ing season knowing we will probably be holding more than one this year. She got her stuff together, I got my stuff together, and we got a few items pitched in from other extended family members. It was also the perfect weather for being outside - a sunny 70 degrees with white fluffy clouds. It looked much like this, thank you, Jesus, I really needed that!

Here is what our sale looked like this morning.
Pictures from Granny's house.

My Granny's trinkets that gave birth to more trinkets.

Desks, side tables, and wine racks.

Beds and kidlet toys.

My OLD dining set.

No estate-type sale would be complete without one of these crocheted chair cushions now would it?

And, here is what our sale looked like around 2pm this afternoon. (Notice the crocheted chair cushion still looking for a home.)

Along the way, as I was bringing out the many pictures that my Granny had put in boxes when she moved into my Mom's house, I found this gem.

About 15 years ago my Granny went through this phase where she was labeling everything in her home to go to people she wanted to have her things. See the tag at the top of that frame? Anyone want to guess who this cutie pie 4 year old is? Yeah, I brought it home - along with some other family pictures that I will show in a separate post.

My Mom made some $$$, I made some $$$, we only had this much to take to the giving center,

and we all went out for dinner! It was a busy, productive, and fun-filled day.

We are already scheduling our next venture for a Saturday in May. We both still have plenty more where this all came from, especially if we are going to cash in again, WOWSERS!


  1. Okay, looks like you had a great sale. I am totally digging all of the frames and mirror, that very cool clock (does that price tags say $1!), and your old dining table!

    I could do so much with that stuff! It's great to see people like your old stuff so much that they pay you for it isn't it?

  2. Wow! You guys did great! I've given and tossed way more than I could ever sell- that is one aspect of living in the country and not in a neighborhood that is a slight bit of a bummer- no one would come to our yard sale... Oh, well, the thrift store has been loaded up with our stuff lately, I keep thinking I may run into someone in town wearing something we passed on...!!

  3. Awesome. My great grandma always labeled everything she was given so we would know who it went to when she was gone. My grandma does the same thing. It is nice. Sorry we didn't make the trip down, I was not feeling well. It was a survival day.


Thanks for stopping by.