Friday, February 26, 2010

My latest project

This is the first of five bags I am working on for a wedding party.

Of course, they will have different initials in them.

This mega bag measures 18 inches wide, 15 inches tall, and 9 inches deep. There is a slip pocket with a magnetic closure on one outside as well as a large zippered pocket on the inside.

Oh, and the straps are adjustable also. There are two straps because you could pack the mother load of goodies in here. Well, as long as you can carry that much.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Better get going

Ok, so my friend started a blog this week and has already published more posts than me in the entire month of February. I wonder if she's trying to show me up?

Last night, I helped my mother start her new blog. I will be going to work on her template soon. But, I thought I'd better write something on my blog before she shows me up too.

They've been inspired into the blogosphere, by me? Even though I don't feel very inspiring or uplifting, people seem to think so. I am just a girl trying to get up every day and get through it. If I feel like saying something, I do. Sometimes its fun. Sometimes its boring. Sometimes its depressing (or at least feels like it would be to me). Sometimes it doesn't matter. But, I get it off my chest anyway.

I am so glad others still see the point in coming and visiting. These two fine ladies have now plunged in to give their 2 cents to the world as well. WOW! Congratulations to both of you and I hope the blog world treats you like the queens you are.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Junk Out 2010!

It's been a few weeks since I posted a Saturday decluttering post. I haven't neglected to work on new parts of my home, but I did neglect to report my doings. I took some pictures, but didn't feel like going through them, finding the best ones, editing them, and posting. I was overwhelmed by the thought of it.

This blog carnival was started by Ali of An Ordinary Mom.

I am, by nature, a procrastinator. I seem to ponder the way things should be or about the process of doing something more than I actually jump in and get to work. I have been more excited lately about getting to new projects in my sewing room. My stash has grown considerably and now I am finding myself not being able to choose between so many precious fabrics. My mother said to me the other day, "Just pick something and sew it!" I did and was proud of the result. I don't think I actually chose the wrong fabric to make that outfit with either. (That fear sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? LOL!)

So now, I am just picking some pictures and showing them to you. Picking the less than perfect pictures seem like a better option than picking no pictures at this point.

Here's what I have accomplished in the kitchen.

Clean and non-cluttered counter tops and microwave.

Organized my shelves.

Combed through all the corners in the dining room. It now looks bare. I need to hang some pictures. We have lived here going on four years in March, and I never put any up yet. Looks like I need to before someone else asks me if they can have my pictures - yes, my sister asked me for one of them. It's really been that long since any of our frames have been gazed upon.

Lastly, I have cleaned this table off more times than I care to admit in the process also.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Giveaways around blogland

Want one of these?

Go here.

Want a gift certificate for something like this?

Go here.

Want something along these lines?

Become a fan here.

Happy blog hunting and weekend to you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Is Winter Over Yet?

A kindred spirit friend forwarded this image to me. I don't know the specifics of the origination - although I kind of wish it had originated as my idea. It made me smile even though it is so hard to smile under my circumstances and the fact that winter is, indeed, not over yet.

So, this is when you know that winter is starting to get to people. (Not just me!) I didn't make this - I just identified with it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What I've been up to lately

I'm really enjoying my new baby (I linked to that post just so no one ever thinks we are really getting a new baby - we're done with that stage, not that babies aren't blessings). I have lost myself in my sewing room and just worked on getting caught up. I will be officially caught up by the end of the day today so that I can start creating my inventory for the new doll clothes I am designing. I hope I didn't just jinx myself by saying that.

Here is a picture of the purse I finished today.

Here is a picture of the fabric I am making another purse out of also today.

It has glitter in it!

Friday, February 5, 2010

A day's work

Today, these sisters needed a new wardrobe. Dresses.

Shorts & tops.

Nighties are almost finished. And I get paid to do this. Awesome!

Do you think they like being twins?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Let me introduce you...

to my new baby.

(And, no, I'm not talking about my diet coke! Look just to the left of that.)

She's new and sleek and a workhorse of a machine. This machine is capable of everything I need to make my purses. My purses were very taxing on my other machine (almost homicidal), and this baby will take the pressure off of that one so it can do the beauty work it was once made to do.

Like I said, this baby is a workhorse. I can sew for hours at one of three different speeds, wind a bobbin separately while I am still sewing, and adjust for the thicknesses of my project at the slightest twist of a knob.

This machine has a commanding reverse and very powerful cutting mechanism (see the scissor button?). That scissor button is so powerful, it made me sit back in my chair, you know, like when you're scared of pulling the trigger on a loaded air power tool?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Everyone! This machine is the equivalent of the Big Truck every man dreams about. And, it's all mine thanks to all my wonderful Christmas sales!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

I don't know what to say...

so I haven't said anything.

My life is so different, and I don't know what to do with myself although I know I have a list of things to do written down beside me.

It's harder to move my body to do the things I know I should be doing.

It's quieter here.

I don't want to visit places and see people I haven't seen in a while. I don't want them to ask me how I am. All that comes into my mind to say is that "my daughter died." It sucks and I don't want that to be the first thing that I think about when I'm asked how I am.

It's something I want people to know. But, I don't want to say it out loud, to hear it again and again.

I get so nervous about that question that I start to physically feel sick and shaky, and I can't hold back the tears.

This hurts!

All I did was go to the dentist this morning, and I am a basket case.

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