Friday, January 1, 2010

Snow pops (a little modified)

I saw this recipe on MckMama's blog and thought I'd try it because they are cute and I thought it would be fun to pulverize a cake after I baked it instead of the tried and true "bake and frost" routine. Plus, it's snowing outside right now and its supposed to keep snowing for the next two days.

These are MckMama's "Snow Pops." She made them and then photographed them outside in the snow for the background. They are nice and perfect.

I thought it would be nice to make them with a white covering, you know, the color of snow. But, when you use devil's food cake you can see the lovely brown coloring through the white covering, giving it a darker color - like dirty snow. Those "dirty snow pops" will not be pictured here.

I didn't have any nice food coloring colors, but I did have a bag of butterscotch chips and a little (tiny bit) gulf wax. It gave the chips less "drippage" and a faster dipping time for the project. I let the snow pops stand in a glass to finish solidifying once they stopped dripping.

I also used flexi-straws instead of wooden skewers because my errand runner "couldn't find them." They are kind of festive though.

Yes, they are good, even if they may not look as perfect as MckMama's.


  1. I think they look great! How long did it take to make them? Looks like your are celebrating the snowy weather. I'm proud of you, Summer Girl!

  2. I think they look wonderful! i saw this recipe a couple of days ago too. Hmmm...maybe after I get all the frosting off my kitchen from the last two weeks I'll give it a try.:)

  3. I think they turned out great and they taste good. I love them.
    Mom Boes

  4. oooh my goodness, i love the straw idea


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