Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just keep swimming sewing

January is the time of year that I just have to force myself to put one foot in front of the other to get by. It's dreary, cold, and snowy (many years). Each item in and of itself isn't really bad. But, together they make the perfect triple sucker punch for me. There really isn't much to look forward to until things start to melt away and freshen up again. So, every year, I chant to myself, "There's only 2-3 months of this! There's only 2-3 months of this!"

This year, in an effort to try to help myself through this yucky time of the year anyway, I planned a bunch of planning time for my business, a time to work on fresh ideas (I have plenty of them in my head). I thought that because I make "toys," my sales would fall off the chart in January. Much to my surprise, and pleasure mind you, people still want the items I exclusively handcraft this January. So, instead of creating and planning my new stuff for the future, I just keep sewing every day because I need something to keep my mind off of this, C (you sunny CA dweller you)...

(The sky view from my front porch today)

Someone please tell me how you stick your tongue out at someone else virtually because I'd like to do so right now!


  1. I really don't think it should be legal for those who live in sunny, pleasant winter states to post pictures of said sunny, pleasant winters.:) Maybe we should start a petition.....or just move.:)

  2. I would like to help u w/sticking your tongue out at her; at least she had the decency to apologize to you in her blog :). It is supposed to be 38 here by Thursday. I'm so excited!!!

  3. Lol! Okay Lori I got your tounge sticking! Lol! Wish I could send you some of our sunshine and warmth.

  4. Oh Lori, I am with you completely on the cold dreariness. I, too, have to just get from one day to the next this time of year. At least we're not alone!

  5. That was me (Renee'), by the way. Forgot to put my name on it. Sorry. :)


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