Saturday, January 9, 2010

Junk Out 2010!

Updated Post:
Here's my dining table now!

The sewing room is now my place to be "on the clock!" I can shut the door and forget I work at home, if I want.

I'm still putting the finishing touches on the end result.

Original Post:
My New Year's Resolution this year was not to make any resolutions because I know that I am never going to follow through with them.

However, I found this blog worth devoting my Saturdays to for a while. It's an idea that I have been wrestling with for quite some time. Then, last Saturday, when I was blog hopping, I stumbled on this new weekly "link up." It isn't very often you find a Saturday link posting club (for lack of a better term right now). But, I liked it.

And, this week, I love her banner too.

I was reading her post this morning and admired her work. I also love that she says her knitting stash is not clutter. She says, "You can't call your stash clutter - it just isn't...but it did (does) need to be tamed, contained, and at least have the appearance of being organized".

Ok, my sewing stash that's in this sewing room needs to be tamed, contained, and at least have the appearance of being organized - don't you think?

You might be wondering where I have been completing my orders if my sewing room looks like this. Well, where do you think? Why, the dining room table of course!

This is my project today. I'm fixing my work area and reclaiming my dining room table as a place for our family to eat! Come back after supper and see how I did. Yes, that's why I like the Saturday postings. I can write what I am doing that Saturday morning and get everyone to come back to see if I did it or not. That's what I need right now. Accountability. So, here I go...

Oh..Here's the list of everyone else participating today. Kinda makes you wanna join, huh?

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Yes, yes, yes! Reclaim that dining room table! It seems I have to do that every couple days, ours is quickly overtaken with school books and craft projects... Our dining room tables should be inviting places to sit and commune with our loved ones, friends and family!

  2. This blog is a personal challenge to me. Maybe I can at least "think" about what I would "tame, contain, and/or de-clutter" if I could just get my get-up-and-go to get-up-and-go. I'll check in with you a little later to see where your get-up-and-go took you today.

  3. It's almost dinner time...Bob is currently working on reclaiming our bedroom...he is building closets so we can get it sorted out...yay for having a handy husband!

    We have to get a control on it before a new family member comes this summer as he/she's cradle is in our room for a while. Well, the cradle is already there, but not quite ready for a baby sleeping!!!

  4. Yea, Lori! I love taking on a project that I know will improve my daily living. Way to go!!!!

  5. What a wonderful project! I love the feeling when I accomplish something like this. Good luck!

  6. Way to go on clearing that cluttered table! Your family will thank you, enjoy your time around the table together!


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