Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Listening & Thinking

Sometimes I love silence. Sometimes silence is hard to comprehend. Sometimes I can't stand silence and feel the need to say something anyway. Sometimes, if I listen through the silence, I hear something that I've never heard before.

These last two weeks our family has been in a different place than usual. We are thinking together, talking to each other, listening to each other, and sitting in silence together too. We have had many experiences that have brought forth ideas and conversations that would not have happened at home.

Our lives came to a complete stop over a month ago so that we could be a family during a very tough transition. For the last two weeks our family continued to keep to ourselves to process the transition, hold each other close, and start new relationships based on our changed family roles.

We have learned a lot by listening to each other and thinking about how each of us is processing thoughts regarding our family's transition. We have also been able to share how the things we have experienced these last two weeks is being used as a canvas to paint a new perspective for living our lives and viewing the end of our earthly lives in a new way.

We have much to tell very soon. Silence is good. We have heard much more than we ever thought possible.


  1. These times are priceless, im so happy for you all that you got to get away and refocus on each other. Many prayers still being said for you all.

  2. What a great post. It brought tears to my eyes.

  3. I was really hoping that exact kind of thing could take place for your family. I'm so glad you embraced it instead of running from it.


Thanks for stopping by.