Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our Hospital Home

We have been living with Megan in the hospital since September 1, 2009. This is a peek into what it is like in our room. It is the first half of the "home base" that we have developed our lives around.

The first picture is of Megan sleeping soundly sporting her hospital's logo.

And now, Our front door - with the yellow isolation caution sign and Monica's artwork.

This is Megan's room as you enter the front door. You can see her lovely supplies in the front, the open door to our private restroom (YEA!), the window to the back of the room, and Ken sitting on his couch/bed.

If you turn to the immediate right from the door, you see my roll away bed and chair. There is a lovely cabinet above it for personal items.

Then, Megan's vest machine (breathing treatment) and bed are to the left of my area. She's my sleeping beauty.

This picture shows how these two spaces look together from the other side of Megan's bed - in front of the window. She's still sleeping. (Also pictured - the trash can and the cooling blanket machine for when Megan has a fever)

Megan's IV and feeding machines are to the left of her bed. The cabinet above the couch area in front of the window is also pictured here.

Ken sleeps on the couch at night - away from me on the other side of Megan - kind of like we're in an old TV show, right? He's reading my blog.

The cabinet for Megan's clothing and our snacks is along the wall at the end of the couch right next to the bathroom.

Then, that brings you back to the medical supplies table in front of the main entrance to our new home.

And, just for reading this far, I have inserted this picture of Megan during a few of her waking moments this evening.

It is our joy to live anywhere as long as we can be together.


  1. A house is a building you live in and a home is the love that is inside. I think you have an amazing home!:) You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.:)

    Much Love,

  2. I have to agree with Kristine on this one. A home is filled with love, anywhere that "house" may be. I like the fact that your pics include your blog in them....the one of your bed,your laptop has your blog up...thankful you found your camera, and that is a beautiful pic of megan at the end :)

  3. Praying for all of you and that sweet girl... The others are right, a home is where the love is...

  4. that room seems switched around from what I remember, but hey, I am not very good at keeping myself straight. It is a great blog!!!

  5. We switched to a cleaner room after three weeks in the same one. You aren't losing your mind, Charity!

  6. Thanks Lori, I looked at the pictures again and was more sure it wasn't the same!!!


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