Monday, September 21, 2009

Megan and some other friends

Megan seems to be responding to all the new changes (antibiotics, pain medications, fluid levels, and nutritional formula) we have made this last week. She slept pretty well two of the last three nights even though we have had some snags during the day with her comfort level.

We are trying to take advantage of all the time we have with her awake and comfortable. We are also thankful for the times she is resting well.

There are other families on our unit with similar circumstances that have immediate prayer needs as well. Please keep them in mind as you say your prayers for our family and Megan. We have been speaking to these families and our hearts also break for their situations because we have the knowledge of how it feels to us. I don't know if that made sense but please just remember other families who are also on the verge of saying their earthly goodbyes to their children.

We are also reminded each day just how fragile the lives of our special needs children are. Serious health crises can arise so quickly and catch the most vigilant parents off guard when they occur. This is one of the reasons we are so thankful for all of the quality time we get with Megan. We know that at any moment (or not) we could also be faced with another serious, life-altering challenge, which is another reason we so appreciate everyone who is praying and sending us their support.


  1. It's so nice to hear that Megan is handling things well and getting fairly good sleep. Praying for you.



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