Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Prayer for Megan

I come to you right now as a mother advocating for her daughter's comfort and healing as only you can provide. I was hesitant to allow the doctors to use smaller peripheral IVs to treat her blood infection, but trusted that You would only allow what is best for us and for Megan. She has had two IV's this weekend with 10 tries to place them already, and now she needs a third. Please calm Megan's movements, give wisdom to the nurses, help the doctors make the best decision possible, and give me peace about having this third IV placed in the coming minutes. I love my little daughter so much and I don't want her to needlessly suffer. I ask for swiftness in allowing our family to get a good night's sleep so that we may draft a new plan in the morning for Megan's future in the hospital or our administration of her antibiotics at home. I know you can work miracles and have seen them in our own lives in the very recent past.
In Your Name,

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