Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Newest Developments

I just spoke with Ken on the phone and Dr. K has been in to see Megan. Here is what we have learned so far:
  • Megan already has a bacteria growing in the blood cultures they drew last night and they are starting her on amoxicillin and vancomycin (IV) until they find more out about what type of bacteria it is. Her other labs and cultures are not all back yet.
  • Her chest x-ray looks OK right now, even though she has a lot of mucus production and struggles to clear it. She needs a lot of suctioning.
  • Dr. K is going to make sure that Megan is very comfortable. She does not want her to moan or cry. She told the residents that she would rather have Megan sleeping than awake and uncomfortable.
  • Megan will not be released until she is fever free for 24-48 hours and her secretions are under control. As many of you know that we have not been able to achieve this for any length of time since the beginning of April.
  • Dr. K is more concerned about this infection, the fever, and Megan's comfort level than changing out her GJ tube or doing the sleep study right now. When all this is cleared, we will address those issues.

I am going to Indianapolis to be with Megan and Ken today. I have no idea how long we will be there. We are on the waiting list for a room at the Ronald McDonald House. Monica will probably join us when we get a room there. I am going to take a camping cot and stay in Megan's room with Ken. Ken has re-instated his family leave from work. I will continue to post updates about our trip as I am able.


  1. Lori,
    Thanks for the update on Megan. I am praying for her and your family.

    Dee Wagoner

  2. Oh Lori, I am so sorry that you and your family are having to go throug all of this. I will continue to pray for all of you. If only I had a house there. I would let you all stay with me. Prayers for a good outcome.

  3. Lori and Ken,

    I'm praying.

    Love you guys.

    Amy Wise

  4. Lori and Ken,
    You and Megan and Monica are in our thoughts and prayers. I so enjoy keeping up via your blog. You guys are something else.
    Aunt Carol

  5. Thanks for updating, Lori. We're praying- you know it works. :)

  6. Lori, please know so many of us are praying for Megan and your whole family. Stay strong!

    Abby Wiseman


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