Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Checklist for Thursday Saturday?

Updated Thursday Morning: The "fever monster" showed his ugly face (ever so briefly) yesterday. They took blood cultures to be sure that the fever was not caused by the reoccurence of the bacterial infection we have been fighting. They won't have results until 48 hours have passed. (We were sooooo close!)

Be watching throughout the day for important information about our activities. Then comment a guess as to what you think we are doing.

Antibiotics Ordered at Home Health. Check
Nursing Care Hours Set. Check.
Echocardiogram Appointed. Check.
Blood Cultures Ordered. Check.
Laundry Washed. Check.
Laundry Dried.
Bags Packed.
Room Cleaned.
Van Packed.
Medical Supplies Charged. Check.
Daughter Dressed.
Prescriptions Filled.
Report Written.
Walking Papers Received.
Last Antibiotics Administered.

I'll let you know when we get there. We'll be taking pictures for this sight to see. Let's keep our fingers crossed and pray that the ugly "fever monster" has been scared away for good.


  1. Oh Lori, I could feel your excitement and then your dissapointment. Praying that everything comes out fine and that Saturday night you will be able to sleep in your own bed.:)

  2. Hi Lori. Your site is so helpful! I'm praying for a clean bill of health so you can both come home soon! Katie Holtgren


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