Thursday, May 7, 2009

Welcome to "Our Special Needs Life"

Our family life began with Ken and Lori. We were married and started our journey together in August 1996. Our first daughter, Megan was born in October 1999 weighing in at 7 lbs. 5 1/2 oz. Our second daughter, Monica, was born in May 2001 weighing in at 8 lbs. 9 oz. We were excited to have our two girls born close together so that they could become close friends and enjoy one another throughout their lives. However, shortly after our second daughter Monica was born, we began to realize that some red flags that we raised concerning Megan's development would highly impact our family's daily life as well as how we each relate to each other, the world, and to God.

Our plans for living our lives "the right way" with two amazingly well-behaved girls (effortlessly, of course), loving our jobs, providing a nice home, and seamlessly pacing through all the major stages of life together - CHANGED FOREVER!

The more we learned about our daughter's condition, the more our lives instantly changed until we had no choice to simply put everything we trusted in completely over to God. It seemed that no aspects of our lives were safe from the effects of our daughter's illness. When you have a child with a serious illness, the whole way you think, live, and breathe is different. You view the world from a completely different perspective. And, some days, it feels like the world also views your family from a completely different perspective.

Our prayer is for that everyone who reads the words on our site may be encouraged, uplifted, amused, informed, and delighted all to the Glory of God who made us, with no mistakes! It is only by His grace that we all get up every day, face the challenges that come with pride, and live as a steward of His love to the rest of the world. For our success is not in what we accomplish throughout our lives but how we go about our lives being thankful for everything we are given and teaching others to praise amidst whatever circumstances may present.

Please enjoy our thoughts, antics, advice, information, and family history knowing that we are taking this journey together, one step at a time. We LOVE to hear comments, stories, suggestions, clarifications, and situational humor from our readers who consider themselves "Special Needs Families" as well.


  1. Thank you, Lori, for deciding to share your special life with others. One of the concerns I have had has been that it is difficult to find people who have experienced some of the same life experiences that you have. I hope this blog becomes a place where you can share with others as they share with you and that it provides comfort to all who share. May God's blessing be on you and on your efforts to reach out to others.

  2. Thanks for your support, Mom. We just want to do our best to take care of the precious gift we were given and help others view their special needs gift in the same way and be able to support each other as we carry on in our lives.

  3. Lori - I think you are an amazing woman and mother! I got the address to your blog from a post your sister made on facebook. I am delighted to read about your family and what you are going through. I think you are a very strong woman with a lot of wisdom. I very much admire your attitude and how you seem to be handling things. I have been praying for you and for Megan these last few weeks (since I heard she went to Indy). I have cried for you and I have prayed for peace and comfort as you go through so much uncertainty and a roller coaster of emotions. I hope God sends true comfort and encouragment your way every day!

    andrea gregory

  4. Our 11 year old son had leukemia when he was 7. He(and our family along with him) endured the battle of 3 years of chemo. He has had 1 year in remission. I know what you mean about how it changes you,your family,and your faith. Life will never be the same again and this becomes your new "normal". My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.God bless.


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