Sunday, May 17, 2009

Silly Stuff, No Laughing Matter

I took Monica to Meijer today to pick up a few odds and ends. On our way home, during our short stop for cheese fries, we decided to listen to a CD while we waited. It is one that we haven't listened to in a long time. We thoroughly enjoyed this song, joined in, and laughed until we could no longer feel our lips.

Then, this story came on and I remembered how much I loved these guys and how uplifed I was when the girls were younger. Yes, God speaks to me through Veggie Tales too. I feel like little Davie right now. And, I am glad that I don't need fake armour or masks to get through my trials. I have been very guilty of trying to make it look to others that all of our family's trials are no big deal. I am very good at handling everything all by myself. I even took great satisfaction in showing how much I could do by myself because I thought it made me appear to be a stronger person. It just drained me and let Satan taunt me like the Philistines and Goliath. Well, I have only one thing to say about that now - "Goliath/Satan, you're just a big ugly pickle that I would like to crinkle cut and fry!"


  1. Tell it like it is, girl. Sweep Satan out like the day's trash. We have NO ROOM FOR SATAN AT OUR INN!

  2. Veggie Tales speaks to me too Lori. Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable. And you are so right, there is no room for Satan...Shut da door, Keep out de devil, shut da door, keep the devil in the night.


Thanks for stopping by.