Thursday, November 26, 2009

Holiday Hospitalizations

The following list is of all the times our family has spent in the hospital on holidays. Illnesses do not follow the calendar and come whenever its convenient or causes the least stress. Our family celebrated the holidays no matter where we were. We brought meals to the hospital and did our best to have the best holiday we could just knowing that our family was together. These holiday hospitalizations show the year and the reason why Megan was hospitalized. We joyously celebrated the fact that we were together.

Halloween 2000 = Feeding Difficulties
Christmas 2000 = Dysphagia and swallowing
New Year's 2001 = G-tube placement
Spring Break and Easter 2003 - G-J tube placement, nissen, muscle biopsy
Memorial Day, Monica's Birthday, My sister's birthday- 2003 = Parainfluenza
Spring Break and My sister's wedding 2005 = Pneumonia
Thanksgiving 2006 = Pneumonia with pleural effusion
Spring Break and Easter 2009 = Suspected neuroleptic malignant syndrome and parainfluenza
Mother's Day 2009 = MRSA infection
Father's Day 2009 = Central line bacterial infection
Labor Day and Ken's birthday 2009 = Respiratory failure

Today, we celebrated Thanksgiving as a family changed. We also took a trip to the cemetery and thanked God for giving Megan to us for nearly 10 years.

Now, I would like to invite everyone who reads this post to please pray for any families who may have a member that is struggling with their health. This holiday season I am going to try to remember to pray for those who are celebrating in unfamiliar and scary situations because I know what it feels like. These families need strength and comfort wherever they are.


  1. Lori,
    Your family pictures are awesome. I so enjoy your posts. I think of Megan often and am keeping your family in my prayers. Your strength is an inspiration to all.
    Dee W.

  2. Your holiday memories are like no-one elses! I'm glad you've worked to have a positive attitude and kept your focus on your family.

  3. Lori,, my oldest son was in the hospital a lot when he was little due to medical problems and remember lots of birthdays and holidays at the hospital...i just remember thinking it does not matter where we are as long as we were together..... your family is in our prayers...


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