Sunday, November 21, 2010


It's been a busy, busy November for my business, Dolly Outfitters. I have been sewing doll carriers non-stop and am currently listing my last batch for Christmas delivery.

This is my second year of awesome-ness (Is that a word?) at holiday time. Last year, I was busy all the way up to the shipping deadline and was very pleased. This month I will surpass the volume of both November and December of last year. WOWSERS!!!!

So, I am going to try to post on here more often. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I've buried myself in my sewing room, LOL! No - It's not that clean anymore either :(

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Scribblish Winner!

I almost forgot to announce the winner of the Scribblish! game winner from Halloween weekend.

The winner is: Deb Postma!

Congratulations! E-mail me your mailing address and I'll get you registered for your free Scribblish! game.

You can view a demonstration of how the game is played here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween crafty-ness

For my second posting for the Halloween Party to win this awesome camera on the SITS girls blog is to show a craft you've made for the holiday. I have two crafts to share.

A few years ago, I made my daughter and another friend mermaid dresses to wear trick-or-treating together. I was really into making costumes and this was the third year in a row. I waited until the last minute so that the girls could put them on right after they got back from school. The skirts were too long. The girls had to hold them up to walk everywhere. One of them came back from trick-or-treating without a hem because it tore when she tripped on it. So, a word to the wise -- make sure to give yourself enough time to measure the proper length (or at least fix the length) of a skirt before it's use is needed. Sigh.

The second project is also a large glass of lemonade. I was going to make my husband this gorgeous Halloween scrub shirt for work. He likes to wear printed shirts at work and there aren't any masculine printed shirts at the scrub shop. This was the second scrub shirt I was making since starting my sewing classes.

I decided to save some class time and cut the pattern pieces ahead of time. When I got to sewing class and showed my instructor what I had done. She was both surprised and a little disappointed. I had perfectly cut the pattern just like I was supposed to with one little detail left out. I had cut all my pattern pieces from the fabric with the gorgeous print UPSIDE DOWN!

So, instead we decided to make this great drawstring candy bag. My daughter has used it to trick-or-treat every year since. Did you notice it in the photo of the girls above too?